+1 (780) 660-9770
2024/25 Registration Form
Program Overview
Our program is play-based and provides a friendly, fun environment in which preschool aged children can acquire social skills and prepare for kindergarten. We follow the Edmonton Public School Calendar, with the exception that our school starts in the second week of September and ends in mid-June. We are a cooperative playschool which means parents are required to participate in a volunteer position. Parents are also expected to support our fundraisers to help the playschool. There are no mandatory parent helper days in the classroom.
Your Email Address
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Volunteer Jobs
All parents will be given a job to do for the class. There is a complete list of positions in this registration package. There are a variety of jobs to choose from, including board positions that are essential to the running of the school. Class cannot run without your help! Late registrants will be assigned an open position in consultation with the Registrar.
Fundraising is important for the playschool to operate at peak potential and provide the highest level of learning for the children. All parents are required to participate in fundraising. The year in which the playschool is assigned a casino, the families of each student will be required to provide volunteers to run the event. Casino years: 2023-24, 2025-26, 2027-28 Non-casino years: 2022-23, 2024-25, 2026-27
Fee schedule
Registration fee (non-refundable, non-transferable): - $60 Monthly tuition (Fees below reflect a $75 Government of Alberta subsidy) - T/Thu mornings (3- and 4-year-olds; 2.5-hour class) - $52 - M/W/F afternoons (3- and 4-year-olds; 3-hour class) - $94 - M/W/F mornings (3- and 4-year-olds; 3-hour class) - $94 Your family may qualify for an ADDITIONAL fee subsidy depending on your household income. Families must apply on their own for the subsidy, which will be sent directly to the playschool to be applied to their fees: https://www.alberta.ca/child-care-subsidy.aspx
Accountability fees (charged if accountability not met)
- Housekeeping - $70 - Volunteer - $70 - Fundraising - $800
You are required to provide banking details (name on account, account no., transit no. and institution no.) via an image or photo of a VOID cheque. This should be uploaded (later in this form). If that is not possible, it can be emailed to registrar@bluequillplayschool.ca. Our preference is to receive a photo of a VOID cheque. If incorrect information is provided or you do not have sufficient funds at time of fund withdrawal, we reserve the right to charge a $30 service charge.
Please note
If applying for siblings/twins, we require one registration package be completed per child. Please complete this form twice (you may want to copy the hyperlink now and open it in another browser tab). Note about the form: all questions ending with "(Required)" are mandatory questions.
Affordability Grant
The Affordability Grant is a $75 reduction in total tuition for one student, for one class. The tuition you see on the site is AFTER the automatic $75 Affordability Grant is applied. For example, the M/W/F AM class tuition is actually $169. You only pay $94 after the grant is applied. Please note that this reduced net tuition amount does not apply to any students registered in multiple classes, since they are only eligible to receive the $75 reduction on one class.
I agree to the above
By checking this box, you agree to the above.
Child's Information
Please answer the questions below about your child. Please note that in order to be eligible to attend BQPS, children must turn 3 years old on or before October 31 and be fully toilet trained (no pull-ups).
For which class are you registering?
T/Th mornings (3 hour class) (23 items remaining)
M/W/F mornings (3 hour class) (2 items remaining)
M/W/F afternoons (3 hour class) (14 items remaining)
Full Week mornings (3 hours) (17 items remaining)
Today's class payment is inclusive of the non-refundable $60 registration fee.
Has your child attended playschool before?
If so, please indicate where:
Child's First Name
Child's Middle Name(s)
Child's Last Name
Child is Called (i.e. commonly used nickname)
Child's Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Child's Alberta Health Care Number
List all medical conditions your child has. If none, write "n/a".
List all medication(s) your child takes. If none, write "n/a".
List all allergies of your child, including food allergies. If none, write "n/a".
Are your child's immunizations up to date?
If immunizations are not up to date, please explain:
Do you have any concerns regarding your child’s behaviour or communication which you would like the playschool to be aware of?
If you do have concerns, please explain:
Is your child waiting for/has been assessed by a speech language pathologist, occupational therapist or behavior therapist?
Yes, is waiting
No, has been assessed
If your child has been assessed, please email a copy of that assessment to teacher@bluequillplayschool.ca to complete your registration. Failure to do so within 7 days will cancel your registration. If you are unable to provide the assessment, please indicate why not.
Parent/Guardian/Family Information
Please answer the questions below about the child's parent(s)/guardian(s) and family.
Your Full (First & Last) Name
Your occupation
Your relationship to the child
Legal guardian
Your Address
Street Address
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Your primary phone number
Other parent/guardian's name (first and last)
Other parent/guardian's occupation
Other parent/guardian's relationship to the child
Legal guardian
Other parent/guardian's phone number
Other parent/guardian's address. If the same as yours, please indicate "same as above".
Other than yourself, please list the names of those who are permitted to pick up your child from playschool, including the "other parent/guardian" listed above (if applicable). If no additions, write "n/a".
Please list anyone who is specifically NOT permitted to pick up your child.
Please list siblings and their ages.
Late Pick-up Agreement and Emergency Contact
Policy and Procedure: 1. Parents who will be late picking up their child MUST attempt to inform the teacher. 2. After 15 minutes the parents/legal guardians will be called (please have all current phone numbers up to date). If the teacher cannot reach someone, the emergency contact(s) will be called. 3. If the emergency contact(s) cannot be reached, the teacher or helper duty day parent will take the child to their home and the parent/legal guardian will be required to pick up his/her child there. 4. The Parent Committee will be informed of any family failing to pick up their child in a timely manner or on a regular basis and a decision will be made as to whether or not the child can remain in the program. Please provide two (2) emergency contacts that the playschool may call if needed. Emergency contacts must be someone other than the parents or guardian of the child. Emergency contacts need to be within the Edmonton area.
Emergency Contact #1 name (first and last)
Must not be one of the listed parents. Must be within the Edmonton area.
Emergency Contact #1 full address
Emergency Contact #1 phone number
Emergency Contact #2 name (first and last)
Must not be one of the listed parents. Must be within the Edmonton area.
Emergency Contact #2 full address
Emergency Contact #2 phone number
Consent: If I am unable to pick up my child from playschool or arrange for an alternate person to pick up my child (the listed emergency contact person(s)), I hereby give permission for my child to go to the teacher’s or the duty parent’s home.
I agree to the consent statement above.
Blue Quill Playschool Off-Grounds Permission
I hereby give permission for my child to go out of the Blue Quill Playschool and its grounds with the Blue Quill Playschool teacher and duty parent(s) for walks, field trips, and nature hikes in the immediate school vicinity.
I give my permission as per the Off-Grounds Permission statement above.
Blue Quill Playschool School Year Digital Album
I hereby give permission to the Blue Quill Playschool to photograph my child during his/her school year experience to create a digital photo album which will be distributed only to class parents via email. I understand that these photos may be group photos that may include my child's classmates. I therefore, consent to these group photo albums being distributed to class parents only via email.
I give my permission as per the School Year Digital Album Permission statement above.
Blue Quill Playschool FOIP Participation Permission
I hereby give permission to the Blue Quill Playschool regarding my child to: photograph, record and tape my child, display any of my child's works, and reproduce any of my child's work which are produced during the school year, for non-profit, educational purposes.
I give my permission as per the FOIP Participation Permission statement above.
I gave my permission (responded "Yes") to the FOIP Participation Permission statement above, and I hereby specify the media in which the production(s)/work(s) are permitted to be shown. (If you responded "No" above, please select "No" in each row below.)
Education displays during sponsored open houses and community events
In-service sessions and other playschool related activities
Playschool bulletin boards and school publications
Playschool website, Facebook page, and Instagram
Select All
Revoking or changing FOIP consent
In the event that you wish to revoke or change your consent, please advise the playschool teacher in writing. In the event that you do not provide consent, the Blue Quill Playschool reserves the right to exclude your child from any activity where use and/or disclosure of personal information may occur.
Emergency Medical Care Permission
I hereby give permission for the Blue Quill Playschool teacher to take whatever steps necessary to obtain emergency medical care for my child, if warranted. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Appropriate first aid will be administered. 2. An injury report will be completed and given to the parent/guardian. If the injury is deemed serious, any of the following appropriate individuals will be contacted as soon as possible: - 911 - Child’s parent/guardian - Child’s doctor - Emergency contact number if parent/guardian is not available It is also my understanding that if the Blue Quill Playschool teacher warrants the request of an ambulance to provide such emergency care for my child that I am hereby responsible for any such cost that may be associated with such an emergency care request (i.e. ambulance fee).
I give my permission as per the Emergency Medical Care Permission statement above.
I, as the parent or guardian of the aforementioned child, hereby relieve Blue Quill Community League, the Society of Blue Quill Playschool program, its teacher(s) and volunteers of any responsibility towards liability, accident, or injury to my child while participating in this respective program. It is my understanding that the personal information collected on this form as part of the Society of Blue Quill Playschool registration process, is personal information as referred to in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This personal information is collected pursuant to these provisions and its regulations (e.g. for the establishment of a student record, determination of residency) and pursuant to section 33(c) of the FOIP Act as the collection is related directly to and is necessary to the playschool's obligation to provide students with an education program that meets their needs and to provide a safe and secure playschool environment (e.g. program placement, contact and health related information in the even of problems or emergencies). In the event you wish to revoke or change your consent, please advise the playschool teacher in writing. This consent is valid for the school year in which you registered. In the event that you do not provide consent, the Society of Blue Quill Playschool reserves the right to exclude your child from any activity where use and disclosure of personal information may occur. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Appropriate first aid will be administered. 2. An injury report will be completed and given to the parent/guardian. If the injury is deemed serious, any of the following appropriate individuals will be contacted as soon as possible: - 911 - Child’s parent/guardian - Child’s doctor - Emergency contact number if parent/guardian is not available It is also my understanding that if the Blue Quill Playschool teacher warrants the request of an ambulance to provide such emergency care for my child that I am hereby responsible for any such cost that may be associated with such an emergency care request (i.e. ambulance fee).
I give my consent as per the Waiver statement above.
Parent Volunteer Roles
Please review the volunteer roles and then indicate your top five choices in the question that follows, one of which must be a Board position. Those who are not assigned a specific Board or Operational role will be assigned to the Housekeeping committee and must participate in two (2) cleaning nights per school year. All parents must take and maintain their job in order for the playschool to operative effectively. Failure to participate will result in the cashing of your $70.00 volunteer commitment accountability fee. The Board will be informed of any family that does not fully perform their volunteer position and a decision will be made as to whether or not the child can remain in the program. Volunteer positions will be assigned by the current parent committee member. Late registrants will be assigned an open position in consultation with the registrar.
Confirm Your Understanding of Our Board & Operational Roles:
View the board & operational roles here.
Please indicate your role preference (Choose 5)
Assistant Chair
Class Registrar
Treasurer Assistant
Payroll Coordinator
Fundraising Chair
Class Representative
Fundraising Assistant
Housekeeping Chair
Housekeeping Assistant Chair
Books Coordinator
Class Helper (Parent Volunteer To Support Teacher When Needed)
Housekeeping Committee
Pre-Authorized Debit
The Blue Quill Playschool program receives fees safely and electronically using a Customer Automated Funds Transfer system provided to us through our financial institution. We no longer accept cash or cheques, unless extenuating circumstances exist. Please review and accept the agreement below.
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement
I hereby authorize the Society of Blue Quill Playschool to debit my bank account as per the following: DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR: -- Monthly fee-- This will be withdrawn from your bank account on/near the first of each month. The monthly fee will be withdrawn as per the class in which your child is registered, even if your child transfers to another class during the year. Monthly tuition fees are as follows. $52.00 for T/Th mornings (3- and 4-year-olds; 2.5-hour class) $94.00 for M/W/F afternoons (3- and 4-year-olds; 3-hour class) $94.00 for M/W/F mornings (3- and 4-year-olds; 3-hour class) UNMET RESPONSIBILITIES: -- Accountability fees -- This is a one-time fee that will ONLY be withdrawn if you fail to meet your responsibilities to the program for housekeeping, volunteering, and/or fundraising. The fees are as follows: $70.00 - Housekeeping $70.00 - Volunteer $800.00 - Fundraising I, the payor, may revoke this authorization at any time, subject to providing 30 day’s notice. For example, to remove your child from the program effective May 1st, without paying tuition in May, you must provide, in writing, the withdrawal from the program by April 1st. I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any PAD that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD agreement. Please contact the Treasurer (treasurer@bluequillplayschool.ca) regarding any debits that do not comply. Alternatively, you can obtain a form for a Reimbursement Claim or get more information on your recourse rights by contacting your financial institution or visiting https://www.payments.ca/paying-pre-authorized-debit. IMPORTANT: You must provide banking information by sending an email with a picture of a void cheque or alternative to registrar@bluequillplayschool.ca within 30 days of your registration, or risk losing your registration.
To facilitate the process, you may upload an image of your direct debit or void cheque directly to this form. It must be .JPG, .PNG, .PDF, or .TIFF format.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, tiff, Max. file size: 2 MB.
I agree to the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement statement above.
Parent Agreement
By clicking "I Agree," Parents/Guardians are agreeing that they are aware and consent to the following conditions:
Operations Policy: I have read and understood the most current version of the Blue Quill Playschool Parent Handbook and agree to the terms contained in it.
Blue Quill Playschool Parent Handbook
Registration Fee: I understand that the registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstance.
Notice of Withdrawal: In the event that I choose to withdraw my child from the Playschool before the end of the year, I agree to provide one (1) month written notice. Should I not provide sufficient notice, I understand I am responsible for the following month's tuition fee via automatic withdrawal. I also understand that upon withdrawal, it is my responsibility to ensure my Fundraising and Volunteer commitments are completed. I understand the Playschool will deposit my Fundraising ($800) and/or the Volunteer ($70) fees if the respective requirements have not been completed.
Fundraising Accountability Fee: I understand that Blue Quill Playschool generates a large portion of funding through casino/fundraising activities. I understand my obligation to provide one person to represent my child at each of the mandatory casino/fundraising events. I understand that the Playschool will deposit my fundraising fee ($800) if I do not fulfill these requirements.
Volunteer Accountability Fee: I understand that the Playschool relies on our families to continue to operate. As such, I understand that I will be required to volunteer in a Board or Operational position, or be on the Housekeeping Committee. I understand the Playschool will deposit my volunteer fee ($70) if I do not fulfill this requirement.
Parent Code of Conduct
Blue Quill Playschool’s (BQPS’s) parent code of conduct applies to everyone involved with the school’s community including parents, guardians, volunteers, teachers, and other individuals. 1. Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity as protected by Alberta’s Human Rights Act. 2. Inappropriate behavior and harassment of any kind towards a student, parent/guardian, or teacher will result in immediate intervention with the possibility of a family’s expulsion from BQPS. 3. All adults involved with the BQPS’ community will act as role models. Foul language, alcohol and drug use at the BQPS site are prohibited. 4. Gossip involving BQPS’s families or staff are inappropriate. Concerns should not be discussed with other parents (including on school premises, parking lot or via social media). 5. If parents or guardians have any concerns related to the BQPS, they are encouraged to discuss these concerns with the teachers. If the discussion does not address your concerns, the next step is to bring your concerns to the Parent Board Chair. The Chair can be reached at chair@bluequillplayshcool.ca. 6. If a member is found to be in violation of the Parent Code of Conduct, the following procedure will be followed: a. The Chair and Co-Chair will discuss the situation with the parent to facilitate a conversation to help resolve the issue and define a way to move forward with a positive working relationship. b. If the situation remains unresolved, or if a parent is found to be in continuous violation of the Parent Code of Conduct, as a last resort, the family may be asked to leave the BQPS.
I agree to follow the Blue Quill Playschool Parent Code of Conduct. Note: By clicking "I Agree," Parents/Guardians are agreeing that they are aware and consent to the conditions as laid out in the Parent Code of Conduct.
How did you hear about our playschool?
Word of mouth
Neighbourhood/Roadside signage
Mom, Pop & Tots Fair
Payment (Includes one-time $60 reg. fee)
This payment is for your non-refundable registration fee ($60), plus the first month of tuition for your chosen class session.
Credit Card
Registration Completion Tasks
This section serves as a reminder for tasks to complete as follow up to submitting this form. The following needs to be sent to registrar@bluequillplayschool.ca within 30 days: - Banking details (either a copy of VOID cheque or an email containing the following information: name on account, account no., transit no. and institution no.) for purposes of the pre-authorized debit IF APPLICABLE: The following needs to be sent to teacher@bluequillplayschool.ca within 7 days: - Assessment from a speech language pathologist, occupational therapist or behavioural therapist Thank you for choosing Blue Quill Playschool. Your child is now registered, pending the completion of the above requested information. Our Registrar will be in touch within 30 days of the full completion of your registration to re-confirm your registration and answer any questions.